Changes to Coverage For Maryland Residents

Effective June 1, 2024, we will no longer be able to accept IWTK orders from Maryland residents EXCEPT from those who reside in Baltimore City zip codes. Marylanders who have kits in their possession or have placed an order prior to the June 1 ordering cut-off date will be able to return specimens and have them tested until August 31, 2024. Please contact us if you have questions.

Would you like free, rapid tests for HIV and syphilis?

Click here to learn more about a research study on new technology to detect HIV and syphilis.
Principal Investigator: Matthew Hamill MBCHB, PhD
IRB Study number: IRB00274090

We want to provide the best possible IWTK services for people like you who use the website. If you are willing to spend about 5 minutes completing a short survey, you will contribute important information to help us improve the services we offer. The survey is completely voluntary (meaning you do not have to do it if you don’t want to) and will not be linked to you in any way. So, if possible, please tell us how you feel about IWTK. Thank You!
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a hidden epidemic. Concerns about stigma and privacy stop many people from getting the tests and treatment they need. Untreated STIs may lead to serious health problems. At IWTK, we hope to play a part in stopping this epidemic.

We offer free, accurate, and confidential in-home specimen collection and lab-based testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B & C. We are currently expanding our services to more states! Please check the map below to see if IWTK is currently available in your state.

I Want The Home Test Kit Button

Take Control, Know Your Status. Order your test kit today.

IWTK Flow Chart
Person in Blue ShirtWhat if your STI test is positive?

1. Get treated right away. Some clinics offer free or low-cost treatment.

2. Tell your partner(s) so they get tested and treated too.

3. Get retested three months after completing treatment.

PrEP Pill

Have you heard about PrEP? PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a way to help prevent HIV by taking one pill once a day. Go to PrEP Maryland to learn more or to find a healthcare provider near you.

Condom With Open Wrapper

Need condoms? Using condoms correctly every time you have sex is one way to protect yourself and your partner(s) from STIs and HIV. Some organizations offer free or reduced price condoms.

This project is funded through the Indian Health Service with backing from the Minority HIV/AIDS Fund.